March 20, 2018 | Sandy Giardi

Until spring has sprung for good, it’s nice to have a visual reminder about why we love New England. The following scenes, brought you by Boston's best custom builders, architects and professionals, are the reasons we suffer the rain, snow and storms. These days are coming, we promise!
#1: Walk this Way
architecture by Patrick Ahearn Architect; construction by Whitla Brothers Builders
#2: Who Says It's Lonely at the Top?
landscape design: Gregory Lombardi Design
#3: Where the Music Meets the Ocean
#4: Room with a (Garden!) View
constructed by Sea-Dar Construction; interior design by Manuel de Santaren; home integration by Maverick Integration; photo by Richard Mandelkorn
#5: Cool Ranch
interior design by Kotzen Interiors; photo by Richard Mandelkorn
#6: Pocketful of Sunshine
#7: Decked Out!
LDa Architecture & Interiors; photo by Woodruff/Brown Architectural Photography
#8: A River Runs Through It
Architecture by Pisani + Associates Architects; construction by Merz Construction; photo by Richard Mandelkorn
#9: The Hills Are Alive...
Architecture by CBT; photo by Richard Mandelkorn
#10: On Golden Pond
Architecture by TMS Architects
Main image of Widow's Walk with Wet Bar: architecture by Duckham Architecture & Interiors; constructed by The Bishopric Companies; photo by Richard Mandelkorn
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